Dental Crowns

Get a Stronger Smile in a Single Appointment

Dental crowns, or caps, are a type of restoration used on teeth that have been significantly compromised by decay or structurally damaged by direct trauma. The cap sits directly on top of whatever is left of the tooth thereby protecting and strengthening it. At Peak Family Dental Care, our dentists uses CEREC to create the best quality dental crowns at our offices. If you’re interested in restoring a chipped or decayed tooth, talk to us today to schedule an appointment. At Peak Family Dental Care, custom crowns can be created with only a single appointment.
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Understanding Custom Dental Crowns

CEREC dental crowns are made of extremely durable porcelain that looks and feels like real enamel. A typical crown can last for years and, unless someone analyzes the structure under a microscope, they won’t be able to tell the difference between a tooth that’s been capped and a real tooth. Crowns also have several features that distinguish them from other options. These include:
  • They protect and strengthen a tooth after a root canal
  • They reinforce broken, chipped, or decayed teeth
  • They can replace a filling that has fallen out
  • They provide anchorage for a traditional dental bridge
  • They can serve as the restoration for a dental implant
  • They can conceal aesthetic problems like discoloration
The CEREC technology allows us to take digital impressions of your tooth while you are in our office. This eliminates the need for taking traditional impressions which can get quite messy. Unlike traditional crowns, CEREC crowns can be affixed on the same day in one two-hour visit.
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Peak Family Dental Care Uses the Best Quality Materials and Technology

The ceramic used by CEREC is meant to mimic the sheen and coloring of a real tooth. It also mimics the density and texture of a real tooth. The composition is so similar that it contracts and expands with the tooth it secures. This prevents the likelihood of cracking. The CEREC crown materials bond to your tooth in such a way that it minimizes the amount of healthy tooth that must be removed. This preserves the health of your tooth.

Stop Into Our Sedona, AZ Office Today

When you come to Peak Family Dental Care, we will evaluate your tooth and the possible remedies for restoring it. While crowns are a cost-effective option, they require that at least some of the tooth be salvageable. In cases where it isn’t, we can offer a number of options that include replacing the tooth with a dental implant.

At Peak Family Dental Care, you’re only two hours away from a perfect smile. Give us a call or talk to us online to set up your appointment today.

How It Works

First, your dentist will remove the infected or unhealthy enamel on your tooth. The remaining portion of the tooth is shaped to serve as an abutment for the crown. Once that’s finished, a team member will take a digital impression of your tooth. The CEREC machine then fabricates a crown based on that impression. The crown is fitted over your tooth. That’s it! You can walk out of the office two hours later with a perfect crown.

Maintaining Your Crown

Crowns can last several years if treated properly, but they are not as durable as dental implants. Overly hard or sticky food can damage your dental crown. It might be a good time to give up on taffy. Additionally, those who grind their teeth at night may endanger their crown. Peak Family Dental Care offers nighttime mouth guards that prevent grinding from damaging your teeth or your crown.
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One Visit for a Perfect Smile

The major advantage of the CEREC system is that it affords patients the ability to walk out of their appointment with a new crown. Traditional or older crown technologies required a second visit. Fewer visits are easier to schedule around and they also have the advantage of costing less. At Peak Family Dental Care, we provide our patients with cutting-edge technological advancements that reduce their hassle, improve their results, and ensure a solution that meets their individual goals.

Dental technology has come a long way in the past 20 years. Not only have innovative technologies been produced that are offering patients more options, but improvements have been made to traditional methods that get better results.

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