Hybrid Dentures

Get Permanent Replacement Teeth With Hybrid Dentures

Hybrid dentures are quickly becoming the preferred choice for many people that need to replace multiple missing teeth. They are similar to dental implants in that they are non-removable and do not require dental adhesive. Unlike dental implants, however, they only require four abutments to attach the dentures to your jaw, making them easier to install. With dental implants, each individual tooth requires an abutment. This means getting hybrid dentures is a simpler surgery and provides the benefit of a permanent and full mouth of teeth.
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Why Consider Hybrid Dentures?

Dealing with a full mouth replacement is a major commitment that is made infinitely more complex when you are replacing individual teeth one by one. Hybrid dentures are an entire set of teeth that are supported by your jaw and gums based on four abutments attached to the bone itself. It’s much faster to get a full set of teeth this way, easier to maintain the teeth, and you will never have to worry about messy dental glues again. Because they fit into your mouth based on only four abutments, they are also called All-On-Four.
Dealing with a full mouth replacement is a major commitment in flagstaff, AZ hybrid Dentures

What Are the Advantages of Hybrid Dentures?

Hybrid dentures, like all implants, are significantly more stable than traditional glue-on dentures. You will never have to worry that a violent sneeze will send your teeth flying across the room or what type of food you’ll be able to chew without a problem. Hybrid dentures look, feel, and act like a real set of teeth and unless you have an electron microscope, no one will be able to tell the difference.

Additionally, hybrid dentures provide significant value over dental implants as well. Typically, dental implants are used to replace a tooth or a row of teeth. Using this method to construct an entire mouthful of teeth would be extremely time-consuming for both you and your doctor. Hybrid dentures give you the best of both worlds. Not only can you effectively replace an entire set of teeth, but you can do so without installing every tooth individually.

Denture Treatment at Peak Family Dental Care in Flagstaff and Cottonwood, AZ

Understanding the Hybrid Denture Installation Process

There are two or three steps in the process of installing hybrid dentures. It will depend on your individual needs. During your first appointment, our team will take images of your jaw. This will help our labs design dentures that fit snugly and comfortably in your mouth. It will also help us determine if we will need to work specifically on your jaw bone to support the abutments. Sometimes, the jaw bone doesn’t offer enough support in which case we can help it along. In other cases, the jawbone may have to be recontoured to fit the dentures properly. If that is the case, a decision will be made during your second visit. If your dentist determines that there is enough support for the dentures, you can walk out with your new set of teeth later that day. If not, you will be fitted with a temporary set until the permanent set can be fixed properly.

Before the permanent dentures can be installed the implants must fuse completely to the jawbone. Meanwhile, the temporary teeth will tell us what we need to correct when your permanent teeth are installed. At the end of the process, you will walk out of our office with a perfect smile.

What Do I Need to Know Before the Procedure?

As with any surgery, you must be healthy enough to undergo the procedure. It would not make sense to undergo a procedure that could do more harm than good. Heart disease and diabetes are risk factors for all surgeries. It will likely be necessary to quit smoking while the procedure is being performed. The abutments increase the surface area for bacteria, so you will need to ensure that your dental habits are dentist-recommended. Lastly, those who have advanced periodontal disease will lose some jawbone which will need to be regrown to support the dentures.

Your dentist will discuss any potential complications during your first appointment and review your images.

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Contact One of Our Arizona Offices for Hybrid Dentures

If you are considering a full mouth replacement, the dentists at Peak Family Dental Care can take care of all of your needs. Visit one of our locations todayo and set up an appointment to begin!

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